
My days inside with a chronic ilness🧡

My days inside with a chronic ilness🧡 As a chronic ilness sufferer, I spend a lot of days inside, I wanted to share my experience with how it makes me feel.🧡✨ On days when my chronic Ilness is soooo bad there is nothing more I want to do or can do than chill out with […]


My OCD coping strategies and tips💜

My OCD coping strategies and tips💜✨; Ocd has been a big part of my life since I was around 7. I didn’t understand at this age why voices in my head were telling me that someone close to me would be hurt if I didn’t touch my door handle 48 times before I slept. It […]


Over thinking and perfectionism💗

How I cope with overthinking and perfectionism💗 Anxiety to me has been hugely fuelled by overthinking and perfectionism. These two things have troubled me so much, I honestly would worry about something happening a month away and it would keep me up at night How I cope with overthinking: To help deal with overthinking I […]


Young adults and chronic ilnesses💚

Young adults and chronic ilness💚 Being a 16 year old with M.E has been very hard and isolating, a lot of my friends don’t understand and a lot of adults believe I should be well and fit because of my age but I’m not. I have a chronic ilness. I’m not saying that being an […]


The invisibility of chronic ilness💙

The invisibility of chronic ilness💙 One of the reasons I find chronic ilnesses so hard to live with, is the invisibility of them. Chronic pain and ilnesses often affect people in many ways that people can never see; extreme migraines, extreme stomach pain, brain fog, bodily aches and pains. These things people can never see.  […]


Self-love tips💛

Self-love tips for international women’s day👸🏻⭐️ As today is international women’s day, I want to write all about self love and my tips and ideas as to how I try to practice self love I think we all deserve a bit of self love and it isn’t vain or selfish to appreciate yourself. It’s good […]


International women’s day; women and the media👸🏽

International women’s day; women and the media 👸🏽 Today is international women’s day👸🏽 I wanted to write a blog inspired by women and in particular the unattainable pressure that the media puts us under. During my beginning stages of anorexia and honestly still now, I compare myself to photos and be like ‘you should look […]


Anxiety coping strategies and tips💗;

Here are my coping strategies and tips for dealing with anxiety;     I have had many different forms of anxiety and so I understand that different anxieites have different triggers and so are treated differently! However I found that I’ve managed a lot of my anxieties through similar thought patterns and practical skills. My […]


Anxiety; my story💜

Anxiety; my story Through trying to treat my anorexia, I had to do a lot of work on OCD, perfectionism, body positivity and anxiety. This work has honestly helped me so much, my anxiety is under control and I know how to cope. I will be doing my next blog about that, this is about […]


Things that help my chronic ilness🌤

 Things that help my chronic ilness⭐️ So my last two posts have been about chronic ilnesses and my struggles of pressure, differences and judgement that have all been due to my chronic ilness. However, I thought I would write a post all about my self care and self love I do to help ease my […]