
I wrote a book!

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all well and doing okay in these hard times. As you may have noticed, I have been taking a long break on this account due to a number of reasons. One of them being that prior to lockdown I was doing and am still planning a lot of work […]


Tips for dealing with a bad doctors appointment💗

Tips for dealing with a bad doctors appointment💗; As a mental health patient and chronic ilness sufferer, I have had my fair share of disappointing doctor appointments. Particularly doctors appointments that end up with a dismissal, a downplay, or a judgment. I found this so disheartening and confusing and even made me doubt my own […]


Tips for when you can’t go out with friends💚

Tips and advice for when you can’t go out with friends and family due to invisible ilness and chronic ilness💚 One thing I find really hard with my invisible ilness is trying to explain to people, especially friends and family that I don’t feel well enough to do things. I think sometimes as my ilness […]


Things that help my chronic ilness🌤

 Things that help my chronic ilness⭐️ So my last two posts have been about chronic ilnesses and my struggles of pressure, differences and judgement that have all been due to my chronic ilness. However, I thought I would write a post all about my self care and self love I do to help ease my […]


Chronic ilnesses- Doing things at different stages to others✨

How to cope with doing things at different stages to ‘most people’ with chronic ilnesses or mental health. In this post I mainly talk about my struggle with this issue and chronic ilness but this can apply to any circumstance, depression, social anxiety, grief etc. My struggles with the belief of doing things at the […]