
How To Up-Cycle Your Clothes

Looking to upgrade your wardrobe without spending much? Want to up-cycle but not sure where to start? Then this article is for you!

During lockdown, I took up the hobby of up-cycling clothes and like many others had the chance to sift through all of my old clothes. Up-cycling is the ‘recycling’ for clothes and a way to give new life to your wardrobe and items of clothing you thought you wanted to give up. It also means you can make some stylish and on-trend items at no cost, just by up-cycling your old clothes! I had no sewing skills going into this, however its totally worth the effort as its rewarding, good for the planet and your bank account!

Dyeing Clothes

This has to be my favourite way to up-cycle clothes, and it’s unbelievably easy. Looking back at my wardrobe, I realised I had picked a variety of colours that I definitely would not be wearing again any time soon. Dyeing clothes is such a good option when you like the item of clothing but aren’t too keen on the colour. As brown is currently “on-trend”, I used the “DYLON Washing Machine Fabric Dye Pod” in espresso brown and it worked amazingly well! I tried this on jeans, t-shirts, crop tops, you name it – I dyed it! The dyes are also inexpensive and so with the new trends favouring essential items (t-shirts, jeans) in brown, dyeing your clothes can make you right on trend.


This style is super creative and fun! There are many ways to customise your clothes. For example, you could order some iron-on graphics, sew on graphics or unique buttons and gems. When choosing iron-on and sew on graphics, you could choose your initials to add even more personalisation. This works with old necklaces too, you could order an initial charm to go on the chain. Furthermore, you could add even add more customisation to your clothing by adding different coloured stitching to make side striped joggers or adding pom-poms to your clothes. Embroidering a quote or other design can also upgrade your boring old t-shirts!

Altering the design of the items

This idea is the essence of up-cycling, making something out of something else. When changing clothes, the possibilities are endless. You could keep the item of clothing the same such as changing a long hem swing top into a hanky top or you could turn denim jeans into a skirt, there really are no rules!

I personally love cutting up dresses and turning them into co-ords and changing tops into off-the shoulder tops or crop tops. The sewing and designing does take some practice so thats why when you first start, you should choose simpler designs or at least try on clothes which aren’t your favourite! Soon though, you will get the hang of it and will become your own fashion designer! As a little tip, I love to keep the leftover fabric and use it as bandanas or hair scrunchies.

Here Are A Few Ideas For Changing The Designs;
  1. Turn jeans into a denim skirt by cutting them to knee length shorts, cut the inside seam and then fold one side over. Then turn it round and cut about 6 inches up the seam, so that when you fold it over its all neat and straight. Then get a piece of the denim that you cut off and put inside the open area so it all fits. Next, sew all the pieces together and you have a really cute skirt!
  2. Add fluff or fabric to your clothes, such as coats to add a whole new look. Simply order some faux fur and put it on the cuffs of your coat with fabric glue.
  3. With old swing tops, pin the fabric into a symmetrical diamond shape and then cut! If needed, sew on a hem and soon you will have a chic hanky top.
  4. Make a choker top buy cutting out a downward triangle into one of your old tops for a refreshed look.

The possibilities for up cycling are endless and all you really need is creativity, and a sewing kit! It’s also a very rewarding hobby because you are not only helping the planet, but also creating items that you are excited to wear and have been inspired by you. There really are no rules when it comes to this hobby and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! If you have any other great tips, let us know in the comments section below.

By LifeStyle

LifeStyle is a blog boasting unique and fun blogs. Whether you are interested in travel or fashion, we have it all covered!

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